Supplier data

80% of a companies’ sustainability impact comes from their supply chain, i,e the factories and suppliers. If we are to make any meaningful impact and progress then focusing on the companies who make products should be the focus.

So we did…

The Single Source of Truth

We aggregate information and data from a wide range of verified sources

Certification and compliance


Business Intelligence

Trade Data

Our machine learning algorithm analyses supply chain data
creating digital profiles on global factories and suppliers

Our Sustainability Methodology

We run this through our proprietary sustainability methodology
to create a unique bottom up approach to ESG data

The result is a huge data lake on global supply chains, suppliers and factories

  • 2M+ global companies
  • 100k’s ESG factory scorecards
  • 1000’s brand health analysis
  • Millions of products data points
  • Global coverage
  • Up to date

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