Discover New

Unearth New Business Prospects with Precision

Empower Your Prospecting with
Actionable Trade Insights

Turn Trade Data into Business Opportunities

  • Use our AI-powered tools to sift through export-import data and spot high-value prospects.
  • Conduct granular analysis of shipment volumes, supplier-buyer relations, and product specializations.
  • Transform comprehensive trade data into a strategic asset for your business development.

A solution for...

Businesses Seeking New Prospects in Unfamiliar Markets

Navigate new territories with confidence using our trade data to uncover promising prospects. Identify key players in your target market and analyze their trade patterns to tailor your entry strategy.

Companies Aiming to Gather Insights on Important Business Leads

Transform raw trade data into a goldmine of insights for businesses seeking to understand the nuances of their leads. Use import-export behaviors to anticipate needs and customize your outreach.

Creating Prospects Lists Based on Import / Export History

Leverage the power of historical trade data to curate highly targeted prospect lists. Fine-tune your sales approach by connecting with businesses whose trading activities align with your offerings.

Unlock the Potential with AI

Identify Prospects with Advanced AI Insight.

Allow our AI to streamline your prospecting process. Input a products and let our technology unveil a world of potential prospects from over 2 million global entities. With Sourcing Playground you get a strategic partner to drive your lead generation.

Identify key companies

Our platform provides direct access to:

  • High-potential markets for generating prospects
  • Leading factories and suppliers
  • Buyers’ procurement behaviors
  • Suppliers’ export behaviors

Empower Sales Teams to Close the Deal

Arm your sales force with actionable company insights, enabling them to approach each deal with precision. Knowledge of a prospect’s import-export activities means your sales pitches hit the mark, every time.

Understand your targets’ business environment and craft personalized conversations that count. In the world of B2B sales, a well-informed approach isn’t just an advantage—it’s a necessity.

Strategic Lead Discovery

Access targeted insights to discover prospects relevant to you. Use our data to your advantage and target companies engaged in active trade, all tailored to your industry requirements.

Automated Contact Finder

  • Add leads to a shortlist
  • Automatically get company website and email
  • Export to Excel in one click
Suppliers Exporter contact finder

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Who it serves

Logistics providers

Logistics providers can identify exporters for new shipping contracts, while customs brokers may find businesses needing assistance with trade regulations.

Trade finance

Trade finance companies gain insights into active traders for credit services

Business consultants

Business consultants use the data for targeted prospect lists, and marketing platforms enhance their B2B offerings with precise data-driven targeting.

Trade associations

Trade associations also benefit by providing members with valuable business prospects.


Manufacturers aiming to Sell to the US can use the data to find US buyers and understand the competitive landscape within the US market.

Component Manufacturers

Component Manufacturers can target end manufacturers that export products to the US, which could incorporate their components into the finished goods.

Marketing and Sales

Marketing and Sales companies can use the trade data to enhance their B2B lead generation services with targeted sales leads

And many others

Many other use cases for different companies.


What industry experts say...

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